Friday, March 28, 2014

11th Week - Making Progress

This week in CAD, the class started prepping the site for the outdoor learning garden. We took down most of the fencing around the area to open it up and dug some wholes to remove the posts. In the class room we have been organizing and clean up the shop and clearing out some space for new materials to come in. With regards to the LED pyramid, my group looked around for some RGB LED code. I also took some previously printed objects and looked to see how the light diffused through the material.

Friday, March 14, 2014

10th Week - Moving Parts

This week in Max, the pyramid design was finished as far as basic functions go. It has now been made to scale with each individual pyramid being four inches high by four inches wide. All of the different mounting spots for the LEDs have be modeled and put into place. As far as the design elements are concerned  the plan is to incorporate moving parts into the model in the form of interlocking gears and to add the batman logo but not necessarily in to location shown in the image above. The printing of the model will start in two weeks as spring break starts next week. When I get back from break all of the hardware that was ordered  for the class will arrive and the actual manufacturing of the projects will begin.

Friday, March 7, 2014

9th Week - Pyramid Evolution

This week in AutoCAD, I worked in 3dsMax to develop some rough models of the pyramid that will be printed and used for our project. I would have used AutoCAD but my ability to make 3d models is much higher in 3dsMax so to speed the drafting process along I worked in 3dsMax. The above image showcases the progress that our pyramid design has taken, now having five individual pyramids stacked into one larger pyramid. Something that is not shown in this picture but will be added are designs that will be modeled into the pyramid faces so that it doesn't have plain sides.